Hotel Shaped by Restrictions

Hotel Shaped by Restrictions February 4, 2015

aia continuing education hotel shaped by restrictions catalog image

2 HSW Credit Hours

The Hotel would be located downtown, in the central business district, adjacent to the State Capital. An existing low-rise building covered most of the site. The building had load-bearing brick exterior walls, a concrete slab floor, and a wood frame roof. The roof was supported by large heavy timber trusses. The building was approximately 100 years old. It had been gutted and was now empty. It was ready for a future use but it had a history. The records indicated in the late 1800’s, the building had been used to stable horses and park carriages for state legislatures while they met in session at the Capital. Its primary purpose was to provide a service for those working and doing business in the Capital. In the 50’s, the building had been one of two laundries in town. This was an important support function for the rapidly expanding Capital District. As the value of the location increased, the laundry moved to a building a few miles away with a much lower rent.