Reprograming the Program

Reprograming the Program February 4, 2015

aia continuing education programming from best use catalog image

2 HSW Credit Hours

This course will utilize a Conference Center case study to explore the “value-added proposition” Architect could offer to enhance or even reshape a projects Program.

The “value-added proposition” would include additional design considerations that go beyond what might be considered the traditional programing factors like a number, type, and relationship of spaces.
One additional consideration might be the client’s revenue projections with their relationship to the Center’s space utilization. If the Center needs to conduct multiple events on the same day, what impact will that have on the facilities configuration of central spaces and breakout rooms?

Another consideration critical to the success of the Conferencing business is the introduction of Digital Presentation Technology and the supporting IT infrastructure required to webcast, store and serve on-demand events.

The goal of this course acts as an introduction for Architects to begin to expand programing considerations and take the lead, when necessary, to Re-program the Program.